• 05.30am - 09.00pm
  • 04367 - 220585
  • +91-98424-82027

Package Plan

Master Health Checkup Package

we have renovated the lab completely with the latest equipments . We offer a broad spectrum of equipments ranging from BS120 Mindray. BC2800 Haematology Analyser, HBA1C & Electrolyte, 5600 Vitros Ortho-Diagnostics and 5130- 5 parts haematology Analyser.


  • 1. Blood Sugar Fasting

  • 2. Blood Sugar Post Prandial

  • 3. Complete Blood Count

    • Haemoglobin
    • White Blood Cells Count
    • WBC
    • Differential White Blood Cells Count
    • Lymphocytes
    • Eosinophils
    • Granulocytes
    • Lymph#
    • Easin#
    • Gran#
  • -Red Blood Cells Count

    • Total RBC Count
    • P.C.V
    • MCV
    • MCH
    • Platelets Count
    • MPV
    • PCT


  • 1. Blood Sugar Fasting

  • 2. Blood Sugar Post Prandial

  • 3. Complete Blood Count

    • Haemoglobin
    • White Blood Cells Count
    • WBC
    • Differential White Blood Cells Count
    • Lymphocytes
    • Eosinophils
    • Granulocytes
    • Lymph#
    • Easin#
    • Gran#
  • - Red Blood Cells Count

    • Total RBC Count
    • P.C.V
    • MCV
    • MCH
    • Platelets Count
    • MPV
    • PCT
  • 4. Heart Function Test

    • E.C.G
    • Lipid Profile
    • Total Cholesterol
    • LDL Cholesterol
    • HDL Cholesterol
    • TriGlycerides
    • VLDL
    • TC/HDL
    • LDL/HDL Ratio
  • 5. Kidney Function Test

    • Blood Urea
    • Serum Creatinine
    • Serum Uricacid
    • Serum Calcium
    • EGFR
  • 6. Liver Function Test

    • Serum Bilirubine Total
    • Conjugated
    • Un Conjugated
    • S.G.O.T
    • S.G.P.T
    • Alkaline Phosphate
    • GGT
    • Serum Protein
    • Albumin
    • Globulin
    • AG Ratio
  • 7. Cancer Markers Test

  • 8. Urine Complete

  • 9. HBA1C

  • 10. Thyroid Stimulate Hormone Test

  • 11. X- Ray Chest View

  • 12. Electrolytes


  • 1. Blood Sugar Fasting

  • 2. Blood Sugar Post Prandial

  • 3. Complete Blood Count

    • Haemoglobin
    • White Blood Cells Count
    • WBC
    • Differential White Blood
    • -Cells Count
    • Lymphocytes
    • Eosinophils
    • Granulocytes
    • Lymph#
    • Easin#
    • Gran#
  • - Red Blood Cells Count

    • Total RBC Count
    • P.C.V
    • MCV
    • MCH
    • Platelets Count
    • MPV
    • PCT
  • 4. Heart Function Test

    • E.C.G
    • Lipid Profile
    • Total Cholesterol
    • LDL Cholesterol
    • HDL Cholesterol
    • TriGlycerides
    • VLDL
    • TC/HDL
    • LDL/HDL Ratio
  • 5. Kidney Function Test

    • Blood Urea
    • Serum Creatinine
    • Serum Uricacid
    • Serum Calcium
    • EGFR
  • 6. Liver Function Test

    • Serum Bilirubine Total
    • Conjugated
    • Un Conjugated
    • S.G.O.T
    • S.G.P.T
    • Alkaline Phosphate
    • GGT
    • Serum Protein
  • 7. Cancer Markers Test

  • 8. Urine Complete

  • 9. HBA1C

  • 10. Thyroid Function Test

  • 11. X- Ray Chest View

  • 12. Electrolytes

  • 13. HIV

  • 14. VDRL

  • 15. HBSAg


Our Location

  • 43, Nadesan Street,
  • Mannargudi,
  • Thiruvarur-Dt.

Our Contact

  • Ph : 04367-220585
  • Mob : +91-98424-82027
  • info@sribalajilab.com

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